“Keep it Reet”
It stands for Keep’n it Relaxed and off the street..
The story behind ‘Keep it Reet’ -
Dating back to when I was a young lad... I was all about the adrenaline life.
Anything adrenaline rush related, I was into it!
It started with Skateboards then rollerblades then scooter then trial bikes (the hoping on back wheel, jumping off ledges kind) then bmx/dirt jump MTB which I stuck to and got pretty good at from 15-17 years old.
As soon as I hit 18 and got my first car (VL Commodore)
Before I even got my licence I was taking it down the road and doing single pegger hoops around the carpark islands (dont tell my parents)
Within the year of having my Probationary Licence, I turbo converted the VL (this is where the Dose life began)
From then on I lost about 35 + demerit points within those first years.
I didn't get off my P plates til i was 25yo.
I learnt to drift on the streets as Winton Raceway was my only option for track and the 3 hour drive was just way to much of a commitment without a tow car or trailer.
I wanted to drift every night!
The first month of learning to drift I setup a manual tyre machine in my parents backyard on a tiny concrete slab I made up just for it.
I stock piled scrap tyres to drift on and would have stock rims for days to take out with me for a nights session in the industrials. I would go out 3 times a week getting home between 1-2am, straight to work at 7am the next mornings to continue my $6.50ph cabinet making apprenticeship.
Eventually I got confident enough to hit the track driving my Non turbo r31 skyline up to Winton to save trailer costs/ finding a tow car etc.
From there on I just slowly built up the funds while still doing every drift day possible, until eventually getting a tow car and then hiring trailers for years until finally buying one.
My aim for KiR is to supply local exclusive track days close to home in Melbourne for as cheap as possible, regularly and in a relaxed/laid back as possible environment. I want newbies and O.Gs who were in the same boat as me to feel they have alternatives other than the street.
This in turn hopefully will avoid those guys getting into the same trouble and issues I faced.
I also plan to bring back the real drift community vibe for the older members with only positivity so we can all have fun together.
This is my Story and I know many others can relate. I hope it gives a bit more of an insight on what myself and the KiR crew are trying to do and what the drive/motivation behind it is for us to do our best to make it happen!!
Keep it Relaxed and off the Street mah dudes
Jason Ferron.
- KiR founder -